First Post on new site

Welcome on my new site. I have changed the site from a Wordpress website to a Hugo website. There are several benefits to this:

  • Since the pages are static load times are decreased dramatically
  • Less chance of the site being hacked
  • No more database hassle
  • Ease of management with my favorite editor

Since the pages are static several things have been disabled. I do not offer a possibility for comments anymore. This will probably not be missed by anyone, since my site has only ever had one legitimate comment on a post (and that by a friend of mine). Comment sections do generate a ton of spam however and require me to check them regularly.

I also decided to only take along my most recent post on my previous website. This is partly due to the aforementioned database hassle, but also because I wanted to clean up a bit. Many of the posts are several years old. Most do not attract loads of visitors (even though some still do).

This new site will also just be focussed on networking stuff where the old one also dabbled in other subjects. For now the base two subjects will be my CCIE studies and Cisco ACI. More subjects might be added over time, but for now these two subjects will be sufficient.

I hope you like the new site!

Regards, Michael